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In condition of impetuous development of small branches of enterprises rises a problem of centralized direction, data checking and collection of information. Within the framework of dissertation paper, on the example of trade company "Valmi" a system of monitoring and remoted branch management of trade company was designed. Conceptual model of material and information flows between branches and main company allows to use such system practically for any enterprise having branches. The System will allow to set an efficient control for carring out of one or another task, issued by chief both, for determined subordinate and for whole division. The System provides the clear hierarchy between chiefs: every chief can give the task only that branch, which he controls.
The system based on Active Server Pages (ASP) technology - which is carried out and serviced on main company server. The branches gain access to the data and send the reports either by internet, or by protected channels of Extranet. Such model frees the consumer from additional expenses, in accordance with usage and development of necessary supplements and accompanying technology. There is no need for organization to keep the staff of skilled specialists, concerning with servicing of such supplements, and for access to data from any place enough to have internet and browser compatible with IE 4.0 or higher.

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